One Mom's Meat

A personal record of one mom's experience and lessons learned. Parenting questions are welcomed.

Monday, March 27, 2006

What's in a name? Why One Mom's Meat?

The adage "one man's meat is another man's poison" acknowledges that what works for one woman or man may be entirely unsatisfactory to another. Perhaps nowhere else is this more true than in raising a family. As a mom of twins I am keenly aware that there is no one way to deal with children. My observations here are not meant to be prescriptive. They are simply one mom's meat. (And as a vegetarian, I assure you I mean "meat" in only the most "figurative" sense.)

One Mom's Meat is also a play on a series of essays written by E. B. White for Harper's Magazine entitled "One Man's Meat" and published as a collection in a book by the same title. He described these essays as "a personal record of life on a Maine coast salt water farm," but they roamed freely and deftly among many topics including war, recycling, authenticity, poetry, the stock market, and the removal of porcupine quills. I hope what I write here might contain some fraction of the entertainment and education found in "One Man's Meat".


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